
Joe Rogan Asks About Ted Cruz’s Cancun Journey Scandal: ‘Can He Make It Heat Out? What Can He Do?’

As the controversy over Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz traveling to Cancun, Mexico while his state suffered a brutal snowstorm continued, popular podcast host Joe Rogan asked what many have been thinking: What the senator could actually have done by staying home.  

Rogan spoke to his guest, comedian Tim Dillon, and said of Cruz, “But here’s the thing,” “What can he do? What is the reason for him staying?”

Watch the video below.

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Rogan Wonders What Cruz Was Supposed To Do In Texas

Both men agreed the real controversy was merely about “optics.”

“I think it’s just the optics of how it looked,” Dillon said. Rogan added, comically, “Can he make it warm out?”

“No, I don’t think he has any power to do anything good,” Dillon added.

As Texas was suffering from a massive winter storm that created statewide power blackouts, Cruz and his family went to Cancun.

When a controversy over this erupted on Wednesday, the GOP senator made a return trip back to Houston on Thursday.

Since then, Cruz has taken a wall-t0-wall beating from the mainstream press over the incident. 

Fox and others have pointed out that liberal media outlets have heavily focused on Cruz, rather than the explosive revelations about New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s deadly nursing home scandal.

Rogan Announced In July He Was Leaving California For Texas

Rogan, one of the most popular personalities in podcasting, said in July that he was leaving Los Angeles and moving to Texas because he was wanting “a little bit more freedom.”

“When you look at the traffic, when you look at the economic despair, when you look at the homelessness problem that’s accelerated radically over the last six, seven, ten years, I think there’s too many people here,” said Rogan at the time.

“I think it’s not tenable. I don’t think it’s manageable,” he added. “I think every mayor does a sh** job of doing it, because I don’t think anybody could do a great job of it.”

Rogan added, “I think there’s certain things you’re gonna have to deal with when you have a population of whatever the f*** L.A. is, it’s like 20 million plus people.”

Since returning to Texas, Sen. Cruz has gone into damage control, sharing a number of tweets of him contributing to local efforts.

“Served some delicious #Houston bbq to @FirefightersHOU, @IAFFNewsDesk, & local law enforcement yesterday with @TheNew93Q to thank our first responders following these unprecedented snow storms,” Cruz tweeted.

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Cruz tweeted, “Sen. @JohnCornyn & I sent a letter to President Biden expressing our support of @GovAbbott‘s request that all categories of Public Assistance, all programs of Individual Assistance & the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program be authorized for all 254 counties.”

And also, “#TexasStrong”

Watch Rogan’s comments here:

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